Thursday, April 2, 2009

...We've Been Here for Years

In all truth, I've been blogging for a long time and just didn't want to admit it.  I was in denial.  In fact, I'd bash the idea of blogging.  I'd claim that I was not so self-indulgent that I thought people cared about what I wanted to write.  Then, I'd create 250-word away messages that could crash a computer when someone just wanted to see where I might be studying.  I regularly bombard some of my friends will ill-contrived emails that contain my thoughts, theories, or haikus.  There are people who outright asked me to stop both of these categories of activity.

I figure that I wasn't writing those things for other people to read, rather, I wrote them for my own enjoyment and hoped someone might get a laugh.  The same is true for this blog.  Hopefully, we will bring joy to others, but I compare blogging to masturbating: it's really just to make the writer happy.  There are those that like to watch, and by golly, who am I to stop them? 

MC Squared and I have a tradition of writing down random thoughts.  In fact, we constructed a giant wall-sized whiteboard on which to write stuff.  Now, we have a blog.  But like a giant blank whiteboard, it's that first idea that's the toughest.  You want it to be awesome.  Perfect.  Undoubtedly, it is not.  

I can tell you that I will outline what we'll do.  What good is a first post if it doesn't do at least that much?  So here are the ground rules, which may be revised as we progress.

1.  We will try to post stuff that's entertaining (at least to us).  This is a place to write stuff down, and we're doing it for us.  The enjoyment of others would be a nice bonus but is not the goal.
2.  We'll do our best to not just post stuff we find elsewhere.  In all honesty, it's pretty lame and terribly disappointing.  Unless of course, you're having a bad day, and someone posts a little WOOOO montage that will let you Flair chop your way through the rest of the day.  Basically, if it's scant, we think it's really good.
3.  We will provide nothing but the highest quality, at least half-informed editorial content.
4.  We'll try and do it on the regular.

To be honest, I'm really happy with our blog name, but I will admit that it was not our first choice.  The domain that we really wanted was ""  It's a great name, but it's taken.  We thought it would become available because nothing is on the site.  This was not the case.  Fie on you Ken Hanna, owner of according to a whoIs search.  Fie on you for not making the most of you GoDaddy given web domain.

In the end, we arrived at our name after much though and search.  We're both huge fans of the Big Lebowski.  There was one summer growing up where MC Squared and I watched the movie almost every night for an entire month of the summer.  That was one of the greatest summer of my life, and this is certainly one of the finer movies I've seen.  Plus, the name has the added benefit of being an accurate description of it's authors, if we may say so ourselves

"Here's the name and number of a doctor who will look at it for you. You will receive no bill. He's a good man, and thorough."
"That's really thoughtful but I--"
"Please see him, Jeffrey. He's a good man, and thorough..."


  1. Sweet. You've got a blog and I have the herp.

  2. We need more action. You're good men, but you aren't being very thorough.
